Bumi yang tiada rimba
Seumpama hamba
Dia dicemar manusia
Yang jahil ketawa
Bumi yang tiada udara
Bagai tiada nyawa
Pasti hilang suatu hari
Tanpa disedari
Bumi… tanpa lautan
Akan kehausan
Pasti lambat laun hilang
Duniaku yang malang
Dewasa ini kita saling merayakan
Kejayaan yang akhirnya membinasakan
Apalah gunanya kematangan fikiran
Bila dijiwa kita masih lagi mudah dan mentah
Ku lihat hijau
Lyrics from Zainal Abidin said it all....
Looking at our world nowadays, my grief grows deeper for our future generations.
They will not be as fortunate as we are now in enjoying the beautiful world we live in.
They will wonder how sunrise, sunsets, rain, fields, rainforests, streams, rivers, seas, corals were like during earlier years.

Daily, weekly, monthly, we come across endless reports on nature or climate which are never on the positive side.
Species upon species of flora and fauna vanishing for good.
Climate changing for the worse.
Europe, North America experiencing colder winters, devastating blizzards…
China experiencing terrible drought…
Australia having extreme heat waves in summers…destructing firestorms down south, floods up north…
In our own country, floods are worse than before…
Tropical countries hit by denggi epidemic…
Hurricanes and tropical storms will be worse year after year…
Surely this is not the end. More catastrophes are on their way…diseases we have never encountered before will rise…
Even economies created by ourselves are crumbling. If we can’t even take care of our own man made economies, what more to say nature.
We need to change! After what PKR and Obama have voiced out and hopefully will continue doing the promised changes, if any, it is our turn to change.
Change our mindset…for nature...for our world...for our children...
There is no second world. Where we stand on is the only one. Hence, it is our home.
This world is our home...