after a run i turn red, after half a mug of beer i also turn red, so a tomatoman i am....a crazy one, that is...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Everyday Blues!
This is a blue that I just wanted to shout about. Ok, here goes…
On our regular everyday traffic jams, these so called “YBs” have the guts to get everybody clearing the roads for them to go through.
Alamak!! Whatever for?! Are they saving somebody’s life by weaving through jams in need of going to the hospital ER? No! Even now, with parliament dissolved, these “YBs” are not Ministers of whatever or MPs of somewhere. They are just Yang Biasa!
Seriously they are just like us, going to the office. So be like everybody else, be fair, queue in line! For traffic jams that become worse every year, these “YBs” should take note again and again without end and work EFFECIENTLY to improve our transport systems. Are they? With traffic police officers clearing the choca block roads for them, I guess they can’t feel the traffic jams.
Puiii! I spit on them!
Somehow, somewhere, sometime back long ago somebody started it and unfortunately until now we have to live with this so called “YB” priviledge that have been taken advantage of and being misused. This MUST STOP!
They are working for the government, working for the people.
Leadership by example has gone down….oh,man! …there’s no more drain for them to fall into!. It’s now become a bottomless pit!
Oh well, what else is new….this is just one of the many many kazillion blues we face in our beloved country?
When can all these change for the better?
Am I just dreaming?
Friday, February 22, 2008
First date with ADISTAR 6TH EDITION
It was a first try and I only did 5km....oops!
For a start, it was very comfortable! Unlike other shoes which I needed to break into, this pair doesn’t need all that. Yes, very comfy!
As I have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating on foot and palm)the tendency of developing blisters is super high. My feet seemed like their leaking with sweat making the socks all soaked everytime I run. Sigh!Luckily for that first try out, no blisters and no signs of blister popping up. Of course I still have to go further, like 10km or 21km to find out more the benefit of No Seam.
Will update you when I've put in more mileage on this Adistar 6th Edition. Stay tuned ya...!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Of course during the early times, the running shoe was where a piece of fabric or leather was sewed together with a piece of rubber. But now, that has evolved. Heaps of research & development have been put into it looking at the different types of rubber and fabric used to form running shoes. I was shown a dissected shoe where you can see exactly where the types of rubbers are located and why.
Running shoes now have very advanced ‘suspension system’. Before I hit the road with Adistar 6th Edition, let me try to explain what it has to offer and hope y’all can understand…hehe!
Let’s start with ADIWEAR. This is black coloured rubber (like car tires) located on the hind part of the sole. It makes the sole longer lasting.
This is interesting…After showing me two rubber balls, one purple and one yellow, I was asked to feel, squeeze and throw them on the floor.
Both felt the same but only the yellow ball bounced like a normal rubber ball whereas the purple ball hit the floor and stayed motionless! Amazing! It felt like a normal rubber ball but reacted like a piece of dough or plastisin (remember our good’ol days?)
Again and again I threw it on the floor and was surprised by the outcome. In physics, an action will have a reaction. Here, the reaction was different…somehow the energy is absorbed and not bounced back like the yellow ball.
No idea how Adidas came out with that type of rubber but it is doing its job. It’s called adiPRENE, meant to absorb the impact of landing and dispersed the energy so as not have reaction of pushing the energy back up. adiPRENE forms the important part of the sole at heel area. This is important for our heel as it is the first area to take the landing impact when we do our running (not sprinting).
For the yellow ball, the technology is named adiPRENE + and this type of rubber is located on front portion of the sole. Energy from forefoot landing is channeled through that rubber piece to propel or push us upward/forward. It helps to keep us going.
FORMOTION is where the heel is divided into another portion. This provides flexibility on the sole where landing is concerned. For Adistar 6th Edition, there’s two FORMOTION and this gives extra heel flexibity. The heel has the ability to move front-back and side to side.
Quick Strike is quite hard in comparison with the other pieces of rubber and this is located at forefront of the sole. It is meant to give it a push, in combination with ADIPRENE +
This is located on the arch section of the sole, providing stability for our foot.
Ok, now we move on to the comfortable part of the shoe. Geofit is something like bucket seat of a sports car. It hugs your foot and keep it in place.
No Seam
This means no stiching on the fabric pieces, leading to less abrasion of our foot, hence reduce blister problems.
Alrighty…time for me to hit the road with Adistar 6th Edition!
For fellow runners with blogs who are interested in this program, you can contact
Krishnan KaruppanMobile : 012 - 3503668
E-Mail :
Office address:adidas Malaysia Sdn BhdBlock B , Level 4,Plaza Damansara45 Media Setia 1Bukit DamanasaraKuala Lumpur
Tel Office : 03 - 20804843 / 20804876
Sunday, February 10, 2008
KL Towerthon 2008

Halfway puffing up the hill and we were all drenched...absolutely wet! We put on about 2kgs of rainwater before climbing up the tower. This catergory should be Catergory A, Mens Open + 2kg!!! hahahaha!
2058 steps and that was the scenery all the way to the top of KL tower! Basically it means 'see other people's butts if you're slow'. Hahahaha! If you happen to be behind a farter....fuuuh!'s suffocation!!!!!!! But it's a good technique, I mean dirty tactic to fart and let the climbers "smell my smoke!!"....hahaha!
And we are at the top! 2058 steps! Yeah!
Views of KL from the top...

To go down, no more steps...phew! And we seasoned the lift with our KL Tower Men Musk Limited Edition. Pix below shows the musk seasoning process in the lift....hahaha!
Other groups of the Mens Open and Catergories were fortunate not to pick up any extra weight from the rain. Lucky!!!
C Cube and speakerbox Kelvin
And this is what happened to men....
Happy happy joy joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Brain aneurysm
The brain gets its blood supply from arteries known as the Circle of Willis. It is located at the base of the brain and is a loop of arteries that join in a circle then send branches out to all parts of the brain. These arteries deliver nutrition (glucose and oxygen) to the brain cells.
The junctions where these arteries come together can form weak spots. These weak spots can balloon out and fill with blood, creating the outpouchings of blood vessels known as aneurysms. These sac–like areas may leak or rupture spilling blood into surrounding tissues. While the prevailing thought has been that aneurysms are congenital (meaning that people are born with them), it is now thought that they are due to microscopic damage to the artery walls caused by abnormal flow at the junction points where the arteries come together.
There are other rare causes of aneurysms. Mycotic aneurysms are cause by infections of the artery wall. Tumors and trauma can also cause aneurysms to form. Drug abuse, especially cocaine, can cause the artery walls to inflame and weaken.
Brain aneurysms (aneurysms within arteries in the brain) are a common occurrence. At autopsy, incidental asymptomatic aneurysms are found in more than 1% of people. Most aneurysms remain small and never become an issue or are diagnosed. Some, however, may gradually get larger and exert pressure on surrounding brain tissue and nerves and may be diagnosed because of facial symptoms such as:
numbness, or weakness of one side of the face,
a dilated pupil, or
change in vision.
The greater concern is a brain aneurysm that leaks or ruptures, and potentially causes stroke or death. Bleeding leaks into one of the membranes that covers the brain and spinal canal and is known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage (sub= beneath + arachnoid=one of the brain coverings + hemorrhage=bleeding).
What are the symptoms of brain aneurysm?
The headache associated with a leaking aneurysm is severe. Blood is very irritating to the brain and causes significant pain. Patients may describe the “worst headache of their life,” and the healthcare provider needs to have an appreciation of brain aneurysm as a potential cause of this type of pain. The headache may be associated with nausea, vomiting, and change in vision. A subarachnoid hemorrhage also causes pain and stiffness of the neck.
How is brain aneurysm diagnosed?
The diagnosis of brain aneurysm begins with a high index of suspicion by the healthcare provider. The history of the headache, an acute onset of the worst headache of the patient's life, associated with a stiff neck and an ill–appearing patient on physical examination, typically lead the healthcare provider to order a CT (computerized tomography) scan of the head. This will show a subarachnoid hemorrhage in more than 90% of cases of ruptured aneurysm. In the few cases that are not recognized by CT, the healthcare provider may consider performing a lumbar puncture (LP, or spinal tap) to identify blood in the cerebrospinal fluid that runs in the subarachnoid space.
If the CT or the LP reveals the presence of blood, angiography is performed to identify where the aneurysm is located and to plan treatment. Angiography (angio=artery +graphy= picture) is a procedure in which a small flexible tube is threaded into one of the brain's arteries, and dye is injected while pictures are taken. Newer technology allows angiography to be done in association with CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Though the symptoms may suggest a brain aneurysm, other diagnoses may need to be considered. Migraine headache, meningitis, tumor, and stroke all may cause neurologic symptoms. Based on the patient's presentation, the healthcare provider will need to decide which tests and studies to use to establish the correct diagnosis.
What is the treatment for brain aneurysm?
Treatment for a symptomatic aneurysm is to repair the blood vessels. Clipping and coiling are two treatment options.
Clipping: A neurosurgeon can operate on the brain by cutting open the skull, identifying the damaged blood vessel and putting a clip across the aneurysm. This prevents blood from entering the aneurysm and causing further growth or blood leakage.
Coiling: An interventional radiologist can thread a tube through the arteries, as with an angiogram, identify the aneurysm, and fill it with coils of platinum wire or with latex. This prevents further blood from entering the aneurysm.
Both these options have the risk of damaging the blood vessel and causing more bleeding, damaging nearby brain tissue, and causing the surrounding blood vessels to go into spasm; depriving brain tissue of blood supply and causing a stroke.
Prior, during, and after surgery, attention is paid to protect the brain and its blood vessels from potential further damage. Vitals signs are monitored frequently, and heart monitors are used to watch for abnormal heart rhythms. Medications may be used to prevent blood vessel spasm, seizure, agitation, and pain.
What is the outcome of brain aneurysm?
Brain aneurysms are deadly. About 10% of patients with a ruptured aneurysm die before receiving medical care. If untreated, another 50% will die within a month, with 25% of patients sustaining another bleeding episode within a week. Aside from the bleeding issues, there is significant risk of artery spasm leading to stroke.
Survival rates are increased by early presentation to the hospital, early aneurysm repair, and control of potential blood vessel spasm with medications.
What are future directions for the treatment of brain aneurysm?
For those who survive an initial aneurysm rupture, blood vessel spasm (vasospasm) may be the villain in causing continued brain damage. Experiments to develop new drugs to control vasospasm are ongoing. Molecules that can cause spasm are being identified, and antibodies may be able to be produced to blunt their effect.
Studies are also looking at the possibility that brain aneurysms may be hereditary, and perhaps screening of high–risk populations may be possible in the future.
Source :
A call from the Almighty
On that day, I almost died….and gone to heaven....well, hope it's heaven....:P
But seriously, I nearly died!
Medically it’s called brain aneurysm. Blood vessel (artery/vein) in the brain bursts. This is a serious medical condition as it is fatal. In my case, blood oozed out from the blood vessel which later formed a ping pong ball size blood clot in left rear side of my brain.
I’ll post another article on brain aneurysm. Reading that you won't expect me to be back to who I am now.
All that happened in a routine beginning of the year meeting here in KL. That was when I was based in hometown Kuching and as usual, colleagues and I took the early flight to attend a 10am meeting. From KLIA we zoomed directly to the meeting room in a hotel in PJ and began the discussions before checking into our rooms.
After lunch, while chatting with colleagues before meeting continued, an intense sharp pain overwhelmed the left side of my head and in an instant I felt a warm rush over that area. It was the most painful headache I’ve ever experienced. Blood flowed out of the blood vessel engorging the surroundings.
I fainted…dropped to the floor like a sack of tomatoes. Colleagues told me I had seizure and they helped by lifting me up and shoved something into my mouth avoiding biting action severing my tongue.
As the seizure stopped I was quickly transported to Assunta Hospital.
In the ER, doctors and nurses were busy removing my tie and shirt when I awoke and struggled before being jabbed with suppresent to calm me down and make me sleep.
That night I woke up…very groggy…saw colleagues and friends all around me. Immediately I asked for a phone. I had wanted to call home to say goodbye to my parents. Unexplainable but somehow I had the feeling that I was going to die.
Held my colleague’s hp but I just didn’t know how to make a call. I also could not remember my home phone number. Slowly I drifted back to sleep.
Next morning I woke up to find my dad beside me. Still lying in bed, couldn’t get up and was pushed into the scanning room. Had CT, MRI and other scans done. I was just like a piece of vegetable. Helpless…
Results were handed to SJMC specialists the next day I was transferred. Peace and quiet was what I longed for as the shock slowly faded but the effects revealed the pain. I looked for God….but it was also when I broke down. I had always prayed The Lord’s Prayer, Our Father, but on that day, all I could utter was “Our Father, who art in Heaven…” I could not continue. No matter how hard I tried, I could not remember the words.
Tears fell and I broke down. I cried dearly and asked for His forgiveness. I told God that my life is in His hands. I depend on Him, need His help.
Usually for a man on the age of 30s, it is the primetime of their life. It is when they are the strongest and most independent. But that was the time when I felt the weakest and most helpless. I needed God so badly.
For the first time, being 30 years old, I cried like a baby...I criedto the Lord….
And so, God answered me. I was granted a miracle! From that day on, I recovered. Brain aneurysm took away some of the memories (eg: phone numbers, names, how to do certain things) Basically I became a kid again, so have to learn from scratch. On the other hand, memories from other pages of my mind came about. Beautiful memories which I’ve not thought about for so long appeared to me. I'll talk about this in another post, ya.
10 days in SJMC or spending the CNY in a hospital finally ended and we headed back to Kuching.
I took a 2nd opinion and the neurologist in that private hospital marveled at the speed of my recovery after what has happened. I told him…..”Believe and trust in God!”
A month after that, I sought after a 3rd opinion in Sarawak General Hospital. There, after analyzing on the scans, the neurosurgeon immediately booked another scan for me in order to find more. He ordered me to admit myself once he went through the readings. I needed a surgery!!! Next day, I went through a brain surgery where the neurosurgeon did a clipping of the blood vessel.
Basically I was a ‘medical walking time bomb’ after 5th Feb as no surgery was performed on my brain to rectify the aneurysm. I could have gone into a stroke or the could have bled again and gone into a coma.
Well, I was in God’s hands. He protected me and kept me going!
The brain surgery was a major surgery. Normally it takes 5-6hrs but for mine, only 3hrs and it was done. God truly guided the neurosurgeon.
Anyone who looked at me would have thought I needed to spend at least a couple of weeks in the ward. Well, it was very different for me. I cannot explain it.
After surgery, I was ushered out from ICU to normal ward in 24hrs and 2 days later, discharged and headed home!
Amazing! God does wonders!
I’ll upload my post surgery photos after CNY. Otherwise you have no mood to enjoy lah…
Anyway, here’s wishing everyone KONG XI FA CAI !!!!
Have a Happy & Blessed Chinese New Year !!!!!