Here I am, 630am, sitting and waiting for my flight to Bangkok in KLIA. Wish it's a holiday trip for a marathon but sad to say, it's not. Gotta rush there for a meeting and will be coming back late tomorrow night.
I woke up at 4am...kanasai... and was half asleep in the taxi to KLIA. Wanted to sleep but the damm taxi driver kept talking to me. Closed my eyes, tried to ignore him but he just kept on babbling away. Really kanasai!!
Wish I'm not sitting down and waiting...waiting...for the damm flight. Wish I'm at the starting line with speedy gonzalez road runners, waiting...waiting...for the damm flagoff. Oh, did I say damm flagoff? I meant SYOK!! flagoff. Guess I'm addicted, yes, addicted to adrenaline and endorphine, flowing through from head to toe, not a cell to be missed. Yup, all the cells in my body are addicted to these natural drugs. So I'm a drug addict! Hahahaha!
On Sunday the 27th, which was 2 days ago, Klang Half Marathon was flagoff at 615am sharp. Me and all the gila runners were there. Some were in Bidor and some were in Power Run, KL.
After a "brick" (cycle and run....don't ask me cos I also dunno why it's called "brick") training on Saturday, I thought I'd take it as a slow fun run in Klang. But I said too the gun went off, my legs have a mind of their own. Can't help it....I just zoomed off like the other road runners.
After 5km, I caught up with Kiat & Shin Ming. That's how far I had to zoom to catch up with them. Kiat is pacing Shin Ming and in this run, the podium finish is our target.
Klang's air was blardy humid and not fresh. It was a warm morning even though we started early. Shin Ming was running well altho her breathing was kinda heavy. As for Kiat...he's on his slow motion run pacing the both of us.
At the 16km mark, Kiat told us to carry on as he slowed down. He was not feeling well and all of a sudden goosebumps popped up all over his body. We carried on and I tried to speed up to "sayur" a lady in blue, not red. Overtaking this runner and Shin Ming should be on the podium. Hehe!
The last 5km was terrible as we had to go through kampung road with rempit motorbikers and Sunday drivers passing us non stop. Then there were buses blowing out enough carbon to coat us and make us look like....yo yo wassup??!!
At the last km, I pointed the stadium to Shin Ming and then....tomato rolled like being chased by bulls. At last, the finishing personal best. This young runner pacing with us most of the run was 2 sec in front of me and he was 15th, taking the last prize....apoonene kanasia!!!
But the best is 2nd position for Shin Ming! Podium finish!!! Ooh la la!!
Yes, she did it....a podium finish! Eh, who's that.....guy? to Shin Ming?? Hmm.....
This Klang Half was also a reason for us to have bakuteh, Yup, we had a super duper heavy duty yummylicious bakuteh for our much needed brunch.
Sedap ya?? Fulamak!!!!!
For those who missed out this Klang Half and especially the bakuteh.....nah we left the bone for ya. kekeke!!